Thursday, August 29, 2013

The creation of the Consumer Protection Bureau is having dual impact on Mortgage Applicants. It is preventing the loose lending habits of financial institutions that caused the collapse of the housing market in 2008 which is a good thing; however, It is also limiting some other wise qualified consumers from taking out a mortgage or refinancing their existing property. New rules for lending are scrutinizing a larger array of common debt such as student loans. These new practices that are intended to protect, will also have a limiting side effect for those other wise qualified applicants.
You can read the entire US Today article off my web site. under the additional Information section.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I love this article about how the housing market has picked back up.  I think we were lucky in San Antonio that the real estate market did not tank as much as the rest of the US did.  Yes, it went down but not nearly as bad as others.  This article mentions how buyers are having a hard time because houses are being snapped up from sellers right away but even in a buyers market, we had a hard time.  Since there were so few houses on the market, my buyers would get outbid and have to put in 3 or 4 offers before the were the 1st one.  Has anyone else noticed this?